Sunday, August 19, 2012

Timberman - Ironman 70.3

Today, Jay raced in his first half Ironman Triathlon.  He did awesome!  Finished in 5:47 and change.  It was on Lake Winnipesaukee so we were able to combine the weekend with a visit to Papa's farm.  Ron watched with us which was key since he knew his way around these parts and I'm not sure I'd want to do it alone with both kids all day.  They did great but a lot of waiting at times. 

Waiting to see daddy for the first time on the bike -

We have our signs all ready to go -
 After seeing daddy twice on the bike, we headed to breakfast.  Had to kill a few hours but we did feel a bit guilty eating while Jay was still out there working away.  Finally we made it to a good spot where we were able to see him on the run twice.
 Then we headed to the finish. 
 Waiting for daddy to come through -
 Here he comes (ignore Paige's pink bunny that she held out for daddy) -
 There he goes - one in the books!
 Post race celebrations -

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