Saturday, August 25, 2012

Plymouth Plantation

What better to do on one of the last great beach days of the year...go to Plymouth Plantation of course! J/K We did have great weather. Sunny and breezy. The kids got a kick out of the period dressed Pilgrims and Indians - I mean Native Americans. After the plantation, we went to downtown Plymouth for a waterfront festival. It was big so we meandered our way through to the Mayflower II. Kids were hungry and tired. Not a good combination. Long story short...we made a mad dash out of there. We had overstayed our welcome. Dinner on the way home at the Waterfront Grille made for a nice day!

One of the ships on the Plymouth Waterfront -

Checking out Plymouth Rock -

I got a treat -
 I got a treat -
 No treat -

Making cornmeal -

Back to civilization and time for dinner -

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