Monday, November 1, 2010


This year we hosted the neighborhood Halloween party. I counted afterwards. We had 48 people at the house. Over half of them were kids, just to set the stage. It was a wild hour or so before the trick-r-treating started. We kept it simple, pizza!

The kids loved trick-r-treating this year. Luke was of course trick-r-treating with Jacob. Paige did a pretty good job too. It got cold when the sun went down. Her little hands were getting so cold so we (Paige and Mommy) packed it in early. We went back to the house and handed out candy for the next hour or so until Luke and Daddy got back.

Paige is OBSESSED with lollipops! She digs through her bucket until she finds one and says, "Mommy open it!" After the 4th or 5th, when I started refusing to support the habit, she just started sucking them with the paper on. She also used the tactic with M&Ms, Skittles, pretty much anything else she could find. She would tear it open with her teeth - kind of like a dog - and get the goodies. Even when we got back home and were handing candy out, she was sneaking candy from our outgoing bowl.

Needless to say, both kids were a bit wild until we got them to wind down a bit. Everyone is tired today!

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