Thursday, November 4, 2010

Are our kids geniuses???

Luke –Today , we are driving past St. Mary’s Church on the way to the library, a path we take often. This is the church Paige was baptized in. Hate to say it, but we haven’t been back since she was baptized but as we drove by, Luke said “Mommy, that is where babies get the water on their heads”. That was 1.5 years ago and he was a 2.4yrs when she was baptized…could he remember?? I did ask him who had the water over their head and he said “the baby boy” so maybe he isn’t as sharp as I’m making it out to be.

Another one I just remembered, as we were getting Luke ready for trick-r-treat this year, he asked if he and Jacob were going to be able to eat the candy necklaces again this year. I didn’t know much what he was talking about since daddy was on Luke duty during last years trick-r-treat but Jay confirmed later that they did in fact have candy necklaces last year. He DEFINITELY remembered that one on his own.

Paige –Also today, we got the Pottery Barn holiday catalog in the mail. The kids were flipping through it (aka tearing it to shreds) when they came to the page with the signature Pottery Barn stockings. The same set we have. I asked Paige which stocking was hers. She pointed to the little pink ballerina….she was right! Could she remember this from a year ago??? Full disclosure, there were only 5 to pick from and it was the most girlie one BUT…you never know.

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