Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Guess who turned the big 0-5 (months that is)!!!

I’m 5 months old today!!! Lots going on for me. My favorite teacher at school, Cara, left to stay home with her daughter. I’m pretty bummed about it. She was very nice to me.

Other goings on - I started formula which I’m doing fine with. I didn’t want to take my bottle at first but after a pep talk with Mom and Dad, I’m on board!!

I am still not wild about these cereals Mom keeps trying to feed me. I'm doing a pretty good job of spitting out everything she shovels in but it gets old after a while. I’m hoping she gets the hint soon b/c I’d just assume stay on milk for a few years or so. Why rush things?

That’s it for me right now…more updates later….

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