Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Merry Christmas!!!

Hope Santa was as good to all of you as he was to me. I didn't get the teeth I was asking for BUT I did make out in the toy department!!! Santa, I forgive you for taking a lunch break when I came to see you. You're an OK guy Santa Clause!!!

Saturday, December 22, 2007


So, for those of you not from New England...we have been getting absolutely clobbered with snow. In December alone we had more snow than all of last winter combined!! It is also (right now) the second snowiest December on record. We are going to have NO problem having a White Christmas but I must warn Santa to be careful with those rooftops. The weight of all that snow is collapsing roofs. Our ceiling was actually leaking today from all the snow…not fun!!

Here are a few pictures to give you an idea. Jay, Luke and I are ready to head to Hawaii for the months of January and February –work won’t mind, right??




Friday, December 21, 2007

Santa? Who Needs Santa??

Last Wednesday, dad took off work so we could go see Santa at the Natick Mall. Being a guy, I am usually opposed to going to the Mall BUT I made an exception in this case. I figured if I want to get some teeth for Christmas I better see the big guy in person. SO, after fighting the traffic, parking, cold and crowds I finally caught a glimpses of his majesty! Of course there were a million kids and moms between us but I was already getting excited. Then an elf looking short lady with green tights and a Santa hat on came over and closed the line, just as we were walking in! As she put the “Santa is feeding his reindeers” sign up, she said Santa’s schedule was running over today and he needed to take a late lunch. Late Lunch?? I need to talk to him about my teeth (or lack there of) lady!! Apparently Santa was not as interested in meeting me as I was in meeting him 

Well phooey on Santa. I’ll get my teeth without his help!! Does anyone know if the tooth fairy is scheduled for any public appearances in the upcoming months???

PS, Santa…you look like you could skip a few lunch breaks anyway!!! he he….

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Baby Christmas Party!!!

Today we had a Christmas party for some of my friends and their parents. It was fun. We did a Secret Santa gift exchange. I got some toys for bathtime!! Thanks, Katie!! Here are some pics….

Swimming's Over :(

My 8 week swimming class ended this past Wednesday. I had lots of fun swimming with mommy and even went underwater (I was trying to impress my cute instructor...I think it worked)!!!

Sorry ladies, you'll have to wait until next spring to see this stud struttin' his sweet bod poolside!!

Saturday, November 24, 2007


Enjoy the pictures....

Monday, November 19, 2007

I'm 10 Months Young Today :)

I've been so busy. No time to write in my blog :) Let’s Boston Red Sox won the World Series, my Buckeyes are Big Ten Champs and going to the Rose Bowl and The Pats are still undefeated. Life is good in Luke-ville :)

Other happenings…Mom went away on a business trip last week and Dad and I survived (with a little help from Mimi and Aunt Kelly) I dodged getting the Chicken Pox at school (one of my friends got it!) but did get sent home with a cough and fever last week, which I gave to Mommy just in time for her trip (sorry Mom!)

Still no teeth to report. BUT I just learned of a big fat old guy with a white beard that will bring me presents in Dec. if I am good. I’m going to ask him for some teeth. From what I hear he grants wishes. But I was crying last night and Daddy said if I don’t shape up he will only bring me coal. I want teeth more than I want coal so I’m not going to cry anymore.

I’ll try to post more often. Have a good Tgiving!!!!

Wednesday, October 31, 2007


I’m a Dog! Luke the Dog. I don’t know what Ashley and Marley are going to be...maybe babies!! He He!!! I went to a costume party at my friend Will’s house this past weekend. It was big fun. Lots of fun costumes. I didn’t even recognize some of my friends!!!

Monday, October 22, 2007

The Red Sox Season!!

As we go into the World Series, lets reflect on the Red Sox season. OK, lets not, lets just look at some cute before and after pictures of me! Can you guess which one was on Opening Day and which one was last week during the Indians Series??

Birthday's Galore!!!

So many birthday's so little time. First Mommy's birthday then just one day later Ashley Joan and today is daddy's birthday!! We had everyone over last night for the celebration. I didn't make until present/cake/ice cream time....parties tire me out!!

Apple Picking with my Friends!!!

I went apple picking with 3 of my friends the other weekend. It was big fun!!! I was stuck in the stroller most of the time so the most I did was stroll around with a few apples in my seat. I tried to enjoy an apple, taking my daddy's lead - he had more than a couple but I had a really hard time biting into my apple. Could be my lack of teeth. Not sure, just a theory.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Trip to Ohio –Take Two!!!

I went to visit my Grandma and Grandpa Wurtz in Columbus, Ohio this past weekend. It was big fun. I jumped around from seat to seat on the plane and flirted with the flight attendants. Just for kicks I took a huge poop right at take off…just to keep things interesting. Mom had to resort to changing me in the bathroom of the plane. He he…

We went out to dinner a few times. Mom and Dad like to go to Easton, a nice outside mall with lots of restaurants and shopping. I bought my Halloween costume and so did Mom and Dad.

Sunday we walked in the Easter Seals fundraiser and met people from grandpas work. Dad went to the Bengals/Pats game on Monday night with Uncle Dave. All in All a very successful trip. I can’t wait until we go back!!!

Fun in NYC!!!

Dad went to NYC for Matt’s Bachelor party a few weekends ago. Dad smelled like a brewery when he came home Sunday night and went to bed at 8pm. I think he had fun. I guess it seemed like so much fun that Mom went the following weekend with Anne to visit Jen Doll. She came home with many bags of clothes. I think they shopped till they dropped!!!

Happy Birthday Ashley Joan!!

Ashley Joan Wurtz-Westrich-Peabody turns 13 years old….or…14…maybe 12. We don’t know for sure but at any rate, happy birthday AJ!!!

Monday, September 17, 2007

Monday, September 10, 2007

My House Hunting Trip!!!

For those of you that don’t know, we are selling our house (plug: if you know anyone that wants a condo in Acton, contact my Mom and Dad). Anyway, we went house hunting on Sunday. While in the car, Mom told the story about when she was younger and didn’t want to move from her house in Indiana. She and Uncle Dave sabotaged things by taking down the For Sale sign and locking their bedroom doors when Realtors came through. Sitting there listening to all this, I decided I didn’t want to move either. I kind of liked my bedroom and all the neighbors brought me gifts when I was born. So I decided to one up my Mom. As we were at the second open house an unsuspecting Realtor thought I was too cute not to hold. This is when I decided to put my plan into action. I have earned quite a reputation in the baby circles for my…shall we say…healthy bowels. This time I decided to use this to my advantage. Just as the Realtor was ohhh and aahhh’ing over me I pooped right on her. Got her right in the white shirt….he, he….jackpot!!!

Mrs. Fitzpatrick, sorry ‘bout that. Some Oxyclean and a good long soak and your shirt should be all set.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

First Day of School

My last day at my old daycare was last Friday. I was sad to leave my nice teachers and friends. They made me a nice bag as a going away present. Mom and Dad already planned to have me move to my new daycare way back before I was born but couldn’t get in until now. They said I’m really going to like it. I was excited to make some new friends and meet my new teachers. I’m in orientation this week so Mom took the week off work to acclimate me to my new surroundings. We had fun. I was very tired and fell asleep shortly after we got there. Oops! Maybe tomorrow I’ll be a bit more social :)

Last Call for Cape Cod!

Summer is coming to an end. I went to the Cape this weekend to visit my Mimi. We had fun but Labor Day means I probably won’t be back down until next season. This makes me sad ;) I did have fun hanging out with my cousins, my Nana and my good friend Will.

Milestone Moment!!

I’m crawling!!! Last Wednesday when Mom was home with me I was not crawling by Thursday I was all over the place. I’m getting pretty fast too. So much so that Mom already went out and bought baby gates and outlet plugs. I LOVE any type of cords and wires. I crawl as fast as I can over to play with them. This usually upsets Mom and Dad but I continue to do it. Crawling is fun. Sometimes I practice my downward dog yoga pose too…that’s another favorite of mine these days!!

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

AJ -my friend!!!

I want to give a quick shout out to my big sister Ashley Joan. She is REAL under the radar. So much so in fact that I did not even know of her until months after I arrived. Marley is quite a force and demands much attention but Ashley Joan is a very sweet girl and she doesn't steal my binky! Here we are having some one on one time. Where is daycare!)

Fu Manchu!!!

Do you like mine???