Thursday, June 4, 2015

The Yellow Dog turns 9 years old!!!

In honor of Marley’s 9th birthday, we speculate on what Marley could say if he could talk:

“I’m starving all the time, can you feed me more?”

“90% of the time you blame me for having gas it WASN’T ME PEOPLE!”

“Can we get one of those cool doggie doors I see on TV?”

“Why don’t you feed me more?”

“Please stop bringing those little people home from the hospital, they are loud and get in my personal space”

“Why do you save all my poops in plastic bags, what do you do with them all?”

“Would it kill you to take me on a walk now and again? I see plenty of owners walking their dogs every day”

“Can I eat the stuff you eat? It looks a lot better than the stuff you feed me?”

“That black haired lady that comes a lot puts me in the basement all day, I don’t particularly like that.”

“Why do you use that weird voice when you talk to me? And try to talk for me?  I’m never thinking the things you talk for me.”

"More food please!  I'm starving most of the day!!!"

"Please stop complaining about my dog hair.  I can't change the fact that I have fur that sheds.  If you wanted a non-shedding dog, you should have done your research and gotten one of those little ones with curly hair and bows in their ears."

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