Monday, May 25, 2015

Ali: 18 Months!!

Ali is officially a toddler.  I know this because when she went for her 18 month check-up today she got to use the big girl scale AND she got a sticker after her shot.  Very grown up.

She is 23.4lbs and about 60% for height and weight.  Although above average relative to the general population, she is the smallest of the Peabody kids.

She's talking...kind of.....Ali is starting to talk.  She can say Mommy and uh oh.  She is starting to expand her vocabulary.  Although the everyday person off the street could not make out what she is saying, we hear it.  She says:
1 - 2 -3
twinkle twinkle

That said, she is still behind her 18 month old peers (so we are told).  So Miss Ali will start early intervention to strengthen her vocab over the next year.  Now, if only the other two let her get a word in....

Best Friend - still Marley
Dislikes - bibs, basically won't wear one anymore so we go through lots of shirts a day.  Also dislikes being inside when her older and more independent siblings are outside playing.  She walks over with her shoes and shoves them in my face as a subtle hint.
Likes - baths, playing with the kids, long walks in the stroller and now that the weather is warm she loves going to the pool and splashing in the baby pool. Likes dancing to any music even if on a commercial.

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