Sunday, December 7, 2014

Paige and Mommy's trip to NYC

Mommy and Paige decided to take a much needed girls weekend to NYC to visit my best friend from college (and avid blog reader!), Jen Doll.  We've been so excited about this trip for weeks...months!  We took the train from Providence Friday and came back Sunday.  We were able to do some of the fun holiday city things: Rockettes, Rockefeller Center, shopping, Time Square, nails, & all around girl time.  We would love to make this a yearly tradition!!
Paige on the train, very excited to see the big city & that she could get up and walk around whenever she wanted on the train (apparently airplanes are way too constrictive for her)

Paige posing with (a very poor version, I must say) Elmo and Cookie -

The BIG tree!!
BIG tree selfie -

Love the city dressed up for the holidays.  Decorations on every corner -
Stopped in H&M.  Cheap store but Paige thought it was high fashion.  She picked an outfit for the show.

Then we went to Jen's work and she got to see what REAL high fashion feels like.  Jen let her run wild in the samples closet at Valentino.  She did a fashion show for Jen's staff.  Pretty sure she thought she was a real deal model.
View of the Empire State Building from the Valentino offices -
First "taxi" ride, as Paige called it.  She was most excited to ride in a cab because you don't have a car seat -

The Rockettes show at Radio City Music Hall -

Time Square -
 Another pretty tree in Jen's building -
 Paige loved seeing NYC but she had just as much fun hanging out in Jen's apartment, singing and dancing, watching movies and getting take out.  GIRL TIME!!!
New besties!!!  Jen had some work to do, all Paige kept saying was "when is Jen coming back?" She also told Luke that Jen was HER friend (forget the fact that I've been friends with her for 20 years)-

1 comment:

newshoesny said...

I am so glad I finally made the Peabody family blog! I feel like a celebrity! I loved hanging out with Paige, (and you) :). Lets make this a yearly tradition!!!
xoxo Jen