Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Ali - One Year Old!!!

Can't believe Ali girl is a whole year old!  Here are her one year stats:
Weight: 20.11lbs - 62%
Height: 30 inches - 75%
Head: 18 - 71%
When Ali went in for her wellness visit the Dr. was genially baffled at the fact that our little lady still has NO teeth.  I don't think this is something she sees everyday.  I was quick to point out that the she does FINALLY have one cutting through her gum.  The Dr. did confirm this and said that she was going to refer me to a dentist but since it appears she is getting them we will wait.  What can I say, the Peabody kids get their teeth late!!
Not walking yet but cruising around furniture and can stand unassisted.  She found the stairs and has started to try to climb them which isn't great.  She has also started getting into the cabinets, another activity that mom does not love! 
She is talking up a storm and starting to attach words to people and things.
We love our cuddly, lovable Ali!!!





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