Thursday, September 25, 2014

Ali - 10 Months Old!!!

Finally in double digits!!  This past month has been a huge one for little Ali girl.  After much waiting she learned to crawl almost overnight she went from a Stationary Sally to On the Move Ali.  She loves exploring the house on her own.  She is partial to wires, plugs and basically anything else that could electrocute her.  She also likes picking up pieces of dirt, food and dog hair from the floor and shoving them in her mouth. 
Ali also started waving bye-bye this month.  Very cute.
Ali's hair, always an interesting topic of conversation, is getting longer which is helping the spiky part to lay down a bit but this hasn't helped the overall look much. 
As Ali gets older her personality continues to develop.  Here are some more of her likes and dislikes.  She likes to eat grass and leaves. She dislikes eating green beans.  She likes to feed herself finger foods.  She dislikes being spoon fed (she has this very dramatic karate chop motion for anyone coming at her with anything she doesn't like).  She likes to stand (trying to do this on her own).  She dislikes being placed in those stationary play things.  She likes the bath.  She dislikes coming out of the bath, drying off and putting jammies on, this will always get her worked up for a good cry. She likes to twist her tongue sideways - you'll see this in a lot of her pictures. She dislikes wearing her bib and pulls it off whenever she gets the chance.
Ali can say Mama and Dada and babbles other things but no solid words yet.
I have nothing positive to report in the sleeping department.  She stinks.  We are about to start the cry it out method and she won't be happy but after 10 months (19mths if you count the pregnancy) I'm ready to start getting some uninterrupted sleep.
Still no teeth, maybe she is trying to beat her brothers record of completing year one toothless!
Here are some of the latest......



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