Friday, June 13, 2014

Nail Lady:

Paige and I were playing "nail salon" today.  This is one of her favorite things to play.  It takes her 20 minutes to set up all her makeup and nail polishes, cotton balls and the works.  She does my makeup and nails and sometime hair too.  The best part about it is that when she starts, she quickly goes into character and becomes "the nail lady", a different person every time.  This was the conversation this morning:

Nail lady: I have five kids you know.
Mom: Oh really! Wow, that's a lot.  What are their names?
Nail lady: Buttons, Cottonball, Jake, Elizabeth & Jenny.
Mom: Interesting names.  Where are all your kids?
Nail lady: Well, Jake is in high school so he is there and Jenny is a boy, he is at daycare and the other three are home with their dad.
Mom: Jenny is an interesting name for a boy.
Nail lady: Well yes, I think so!
Mom: That's nice of your husband to stay home with the kids.
Nail lady: Yeah, he watches the kids so I can do this (sweeping hand motion).
Mom: Oh, that's good.  How did you learn how to do nails?
Nail lady: I went to school for like 59 days or years or something.
Mom: That's a long time.
Nail lady: Yeah, it is really hard school but I was really good at it.  Everyone told me I should be a scientist because I was so good but yeah, this is hard too.
Mom: I'm sure it is hard.  How old are you?
Nail lady: I'm 16.
Mom: 16 and you have 5 kids???
Nail lady: Well yeah, it's crazy!  But my husband is 30 so that is good.
Mom: I guess so, aren't you young to have a 30 year old husband.
Nail lady: I don't know but he watches the kids so that is really good.

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