Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Ali Three Months -

Three months old and the consensus around her is that she is such a good and sweet baby.  Easy girl.  We certainly appreciate that!!  She slept through the night the day I went back to work (seems she has a sense of humor too!) so on the first day I had to set my alarm, I could have slept in :(
Ali has been sleeping through the night on and off.  She either gets up at 4AM'ish or I wake her at 5:45AM before I leave for work.
Here are the latest of our sweet little lady -
Snoozing in her bouncy seat -   
 Chillaxing with big brother -

 Selfie among sisters -
 Love the sleepy pics -
 Playing with floppy -
 Snuggles on a cold Sunday morning -
 So alert -

 Sometimes Ali falls asleep on her play mat after kicking and playing a bit, third child - I think she realized probably no one is coming for her anyway :)
 More chillin' on the red chair -

First nap in my crib.  Love it :)
 So happy -

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