Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Luke's Office

One day Luke decided that he needed an office.  He scoped out a few places and settled on the corner of our bedroom.  Once his plan was set, he was busy at work putting everything he "needed" in his office.  The office evolved week to week, mostly more junk was added.  We went to visit daddy's office one day and Luke took notice.  He came home and promptly put out a candy dish for all "the people" that stop by, just like some of the people have at daddy's office.  He even made business cards and handed them out.  Luke is very territorial about his office.  Paige can only enter when asked and when he noticed that his candy was diminishing, the bowl was quickly moved to an undisclosed location inside his office.  He decided that candy would be handed out ONLY when he was there to distribute. 

Naturally, Luke eventually outgrew his office.  He woke up one Sunday morning and announced that his office was moving.  After scouting out a few larger spaces, he settled on the corner of the family room.  Within an hour he was all set up with his new office.  He has much more space to grow and accumulate more junk.

It is a good thing that Luke decided to move his office because his original office space is going to be baby corner.  Sadly, baby girl will just have a corner of our bedroom until we move.  Now that Luke has vacated the space, I will be setting up all the baby's things soon!

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