Friday, August 30, 2013

GOODBYE Little Yellow House!!!

Today, the movers came in the morning and took our worldly possessions to storage, we had our walk-through and we closed on our house in the afternoon. We are no longer home owners (aka: homeless). I sent the kids to a friends house in the morning for the move. When they came back the house was empty. They haven't been phased by all of this and they were not phased by the empty house (except Luke's insistence on taking his Cars light switch which we inadvertently overlooked). They ran around the empty space for a few and said "OK, lets go to Papas!" Our house has been dubbed the "Little Yellow House" over the years. Whenever referring to the house, the kids would say "when are we going back to the little yellow house" or "I don't want to go back to the little yellow house, I want to stay at Disney" It stuck and we've even caught friends calling it that from time to time..haha! Last pictures as we were leaving -

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