Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Old Man Floppy

I can't remember if Floppy has ever received his own post.  If not, it is much overdue.  Like it or not (and mom and dad are in the NOT category) Floppy is an integral part of the family.  Shortly after Luke's blankie was taken away when he was 3yrs, he quickly latched right onto the Flop Man, Mr. Floppy, Flopmeister.

All that love from Luke is aging Floppy more than a president in his first years in office. 

Floppy was recently in the "hospital" getting stitched up in various places.  He has lost most his stuffing, as you can see.  Luke made me promise I would not re-stuff him.  Apparently he prefers his stuffies gaunt looking.

Floppy today looking worn and ragged (someone buy that man a cheeseburger!)-

Floppy and friends circa 2010 looking fresh and well..nicely stuffed (forgot he ever had a bow)-

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