Thursday, May 31, 2012

Matching Game -

Luke was too cute today.  He announced that he was going to make a matching game.  He cut the paper himself and made two of each identical pictures.  An ocean, the nighttime, cotton candy and a bear ("the bear was the hardest one, mommy").  Then he colored the opposite side all the same - just like a real matching game.  Then we played!!  I'm so thrilled the kids are not into video games, handheld, computer games, etc...  I'm sure eventually it will come but for now it is fun to watch Luke play and be creative.  He is always making zoos, houses, jungles, or train tracks.  You name it, he'll create it - pullies for the stairs, caves, tents, or carts for his wheelie cars. And that is just the inside.  Now that he is is a whole new host of things to explore and creations to make! 

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