Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Our daughter, the Kelpto...

Paige is a kleptomaniac/hoarder. She has an assortment of purses which she carriers around the house. She steals and hides various “off limit” items and shoves them into her purse(s). I feel like I have a teenager. At night when she goes to bed, I go through her purses and confiscate her daily steals. She tries to be slick but often times I’m on to her. She’ll come walking by with her purse tucked tight under her armpit. I give her a casual, “Paige, what ya got in there?” She looks at me all poker faced and says, “I don’t got nothin’ in there mommy” and gets out of dodge before I can ask any follow-up questions.
Her favorite items to sneak include: Chap Stick, tape, pens, crayons, gum (LOVES gum!), stickers, candy (rare if she hits the jackpot with candy), mommy’s makeup, cell phones, keys, etc….

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