Thursday, March 3, 2011

Hide-N-Seek -

Luke’s new favorite game to play. In our house, it goes a little something like this:

• Luke always hides first
• Luke always hides in one of two spots, under the covers in his bed OR his closet (unless he steals mommy’s spot – see below)
• 85% of the time Luke will announce where he will be hiding before he runs off to do so.
• 100% of the time, after mommy’s turn to hide, Luke will, during his next turn, hide in the same spot mommy just hid.
• Luke never counts to 10, he gets to 4 and gets too excited he starts running around looking for me and Paige.
• Marley ruins the game (surprise, surprise!) because he follows the hider around and with his 90lbs big self, gives it away.
• Paige does hide BUT she jumps out from where she is as soon as we finish counting to 10. This upsets Luke every time and he tries to tell her how the game is played…you know, because he has mastered it.
• 75% of the time, Luke tells Paige where to hide, and she happily toddles along to her appointed spot.

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