Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Just a Wednesday Afternoon in the Peabody Household...

Two funny things that happened today:

1)After bath time and as we were settling in for books, Luke was running at top speed into Paige’s room a hit his side on the footstool of her glider. As he was crying on the floor, Paige said, “What happened Mommy?” I explained to her why Luke was crying. She said, “Kiss it”. I thought it was very sweet that she wanted to kiss his boo boo UNTIL she walked over to the footstool and kissed it instead.
2)Tonight, Luke was able to watch one TV show before bed. I told him that after the show was over he had to turn the TV off and go to bed. After the show was over, I said “OK buddy time to turn the TV off!” Just as I said that I heard the “TV lady” say “Don’t go away, Curious George is coming up next” Luke then said to me, “We can’t turn the TV off, the lady said so!”

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