Saturday, June 5, 2010


Paige and I went to Luke's soccer pratice/game last week. Jay has been taking him and up until this point I hadn't seen it in action.
He did really well, better than previous weeks. The reports I've received in the past include Luke sitting on the sidelines drinking water and eating donuts while the other kids play. This week he did actually participate.
I will say, it was pretty funny. The 3 year olds just stand there during the "game" while a couple of the 4 year olds actually kick the ball and score. Luke was kicking and doing drills scoring goals during pratice but during the game he just stands there :) I think a ball even bounced off him at one point and still he didn't move. It is really funny to watch. We were pushing him to go after the ball which he did try a couple times but then got really frustrated when the other kids were all getting it and started to cry. It's a work in progress.

I should mention, Luke is the one in the light blue shirt -

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