Saturday, November 7, 2009

Conversation with an almost 3 year old….

Mommy: “Luke, you have to start thinking about what you want for Christmas”
Luke: “Christmas?”
Mommy: “Yeah buddy, remember, we put up Christmas decorations and a Christmas tree and if you are a good boy, Santa comes and brings you presents”
Luke: “and reindeer and snowman decorations”
Mommy” Yes buddy, that’s right! So what do you think you would want Santa to bring you this year”
Luke “Pancakes”
Mommy: “You want Pancakes?”
Luke: “yeah”
Mommy: “Ok, we’ll see what we can do about that, what else would you want, what toys”
Luke: “pancakes”
Mommy: “Yes, honey, we’ll tell him to bring you pancakes but he also brings toys. What toys do you want?”
Luke: (playing with a orange matchbox car) “I want Santa to bring me an orange car”
Mommy: (Getting nowhere, hands Luke a toy catalog) “Look at the toys in here, what do you think you would want Santa to bring you”
Luke: (looks for a while and finally points to something) “I want this one Mommy”
Mommy: (Excited that they are finally getting somewhere here, looks at what he picked) “Oh, buddy, you already have that train table, remember Santa brought it for you last year”
Luke: (Very excited and proud of himself for picking it out!) “YEAH MOMMY!”

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