Thursday, May 28, 2009

Everyday Life with a Toddler

Before I had kids, I used to get a kick out of the silly things that come out of their mouths once they start to talk and make sense. I could never understand why the moms weren't dying laughing at everything they said. Now I realize, we are too busy cleaning up after or trying to avoid the next disaster  Here are a few things that has come out of Luke’s mouth of late:

1) Our 60 year old neighbor, John, spends a fair amount of time outside in his yard. We always say HI when passing by. Luke’s new thing is during random times of the day will say “Mommy, where is John at?” I always have to reply, “He is in his house right now honey”. That satisfies him and he walks away.

2) Anne Westrich came down for a visit with her dog Murray on Sunday on her way home from Newport. Murray stayed outside and the whole visit was pretty uneventful as she was only here for a short time. Four or so days goes by with no mention of the visit until we are in the car on Thursday and Luke says to me, “Mommy, where did Anne’s dog go?” Again, I had to say “Oh, he went home honey” he replies “bye bye Anne’s doggie” Then he is fine, onto the next subject….talk about a time delay…geeze!!

3) We went to the Ecotarium with Luke’s friend, Alana, this week. They had a toddler storytime and made a craft. I put it up on the fridge when we got home. Today, Luke looks at the fridge and says “hey, Lukie made that!!”

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