Sunday, January 20, 2008


Unless you have been living under a rock, you’ve probably heard the news. My first birthday was yesterday. Mom and Dad threw a party for me complete with Elmo themed hats, balloons, a cake, etc… It was big fun. I had a good time hanging out with my cousins and all the other “people”. Birthday’s, I’ve learned, are just like Christmas except instead of Santa bringing you toys Mom and Dad and everyone else does. Everything else is pretty much the same, party, food, opening presents, family…

I do however have to comment on the fact that Mommy did try to kill me during the happy birthday/singing/cake/candles. Mom – note to self for next year: don’t put the lit candles within grabbing distance of my little hands for criminy sakes!! Like I wasn’t going to try to grab for them. I have a call into DSS to check out the incident…he he!

Thanks to everyone that helped to celebrate my birthday. I only wish my Grandma and Grandpa and Uncle Dave could have made it. They live in a far off land called Ohio. I will hopefully see them soon.

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