Thursday, July 19, 2007

I'm 1/2 a year old today!!!!

We can’t believe it, little Luke is 6 months old. How time files. Lots going on for baby Luke. He had his checkup and is growing like a weed. 19lbs 4oz. (75 percentile) and 29” long (95 percentile). He is officially starting all his solids. We’ve worked our way through cereals and fruits….starting veggies and meats and some fun finger foods soon! We’ve introduced the sippy cup. He doesn’t know what to do with it but we’ll keep trying. This weekend he will be transitioning from his infant carrier to his big boy convertible car seat. Lots of changes….Such a BIG BOY!!!


Unknown said...

he's practically an adult!

Jay, we never hung out w/average babes in college, so I'm glad to see he's above average, too!

Jules said...

Little Luke looks like a handful! Too cute! Great job with the blog! Keep the updates coming!