Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Catching Up!

Well...as you can see from the lack of recent posts...parenthood has totally overtaken our lives! I wanted to take a second, however, to post some updated pictures of Luke. More pictures and narratives to follow...we promise!!!


Grandma and Grandpa Wurtz said...

We can't believe how Luke has grown since we were in Boston last on April 22. Not even a month ago!

He is such a little boy...not a baby anymore.

Love the picture of him "reading" the book. He likes books...just like his Grandpa!

Unknown said...

Finally...I was just gonna log-on and ask for some updated pics since I'm well-versed in the christening pics and I need a diversion at work. He's such a little tot. When do we see him (and you guys!) again? K, hope you had a nice first mother's day - Kel and I both send our best.

Unknown said...

So excited to see new pics . . . makes Chicago not seem as far away. Can't wait to meet him in person, hopefully this summer :) Hope you guys are doing well!