Saturday, February 1, 2014

Finally, we got our first born back in the house -

Marley is officially depressed.  We brought him home from his almost 6 month stint in NH thinking he was going to be so happy to be reunited with his family.  We were mostly wrong.  Although he was happy to see us in NH, he certainly didn't appreciate us tearing him away from his two very fun cousins (Rooster and Daisy) and making him leave his paradise.  He spent the first week moping around the house.  Depressed dog.  I guess we were kidding ourselves by thinking he missed us all that much.

Don't worry Marley, eventually you'll forget all about your fun and exciting life on the farm and settle into your boring life as a suburban house dog.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Ali's 2 month checkup -

Ali is growing like a weed!

Here are her 2 month stats:
Weight - 12 lbs (66%)
Height - 23 3/4 (94%)
Head - 15 1/2 (83%)

Tall girl! This appointment started all the shots :( poor thing. Didn't get a fever but was fussy for 24 hours or so after.

Here are some recent pics -

Do I look like brother Luke? I think so.....
I met my oldest brother last week as he finally came home from Papas.  He is a good boy!
Daddy is the best for a Sunday afternoon snuggle -
Luke loves to have me close but usually doesn't want to hold me for too long before he is onto the next thing -
But he does love to have me around while he is playing -
Paige also has a baby named Ali.  We hang out a lot -
Sister Paige give me a lot of attention (too much sometimes) -
Watching the super bowl with mommy after everyone else went to bed (and daddy was sick) -
I love bath time!!! -

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Holiday celebration in NH -

We FINALLY got up to NH to celebrate Thanksgiving-Christmas with Papa.  Kids always love to go to the farm and having Chase and Madison there made it even more fun. It was a short visit but a good time as always.

Madison spending some QT with Ali -
 Ali cleaned up this holiday season.  Check out all  her cutie clothes -
 Lots of fun presents from Papa -