Saturday, December 27, 2014

Friday, December 26, 2014

The gig is up!!!

The gig is up!  Luke came to us the day after Christmas and announced that he knew that Santa was not real.  It was clear he had been thinking about this for some time.  He had all his facts in a row and cornered us with data.  We had nowhere to go except to the truth.  
We did explain to him that this is not something he talks about with his friends or his sister.  However, before we could have that part of the talk and as he was processing it, he told Paige his theory on Santa so I'm sad to say that I don't think Paige believes anymore either.  She has mentioned a few times "Santa is not real".  Paige did say to me on the night Luke talked to her about it, "Mom, Luke told me there is no Santa Clause but I think he is talking crazy talk because he had too much sugar today AND I also told him that Mommy and Daddy would NEVER lie to us"   GLUPPPP!!!
As the days went on, Luke was excited that he was part of the elite club that knew this secret.  He felt so grown up.  He also started asking a number of follow-up questions:
  1. Where do you keep the presents?
  2. I know Maxwell, the elf, isn't real either.  You move him, right?
  3. I know the tooth fairy isn't real either, mom.
  4. The Easter Bunny is DEFINITELY not real either.
He really wants to know where we keep the presents.  He has asked this about 10 times to Jay and I on separate occasions.  He said, "I promise that I won't ever peek at them."  RIGHT!!!
So that's it!  One down and I think two down.  At least we will have Ali for a couple of years. 

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Christmas Day -

We always look forward to spending Christmas Day at the Parents.  We had another great year.  Lots of good pictures to share. 



Another year and Santa did not disappoint.  Kids were SO excited this year.  Luke came downstairs twice overnight to see if Santa had come yet. 
Christmas Eve, putting out the cookies, mike and carrots for Santa and his team -
Wow, he came -
Opening stockings -

 On to the big presents -

Monday, December 22, 2014

Paige is 6!

Most parents probably start with an “Oh, I can’t believe my little one is a year older.” I’m thinking, “is she really only turning six?” She seems so much older.

To our sweet, funny, & beautiful little girl. You have your daddy’s silly sense of humor and your mommy keen organizational skills (we aren’t sure where the sense of fashion comes from). 

It has been so fun to watch you grow this past year from a little girl to a big girl.