We continue to have an action packed summer here on RMD....
The post swim towel dance??
I don't have words for this one but don't let the picture fool you, Ali isn't close to being potty trained. I'm pretty sure she thinks her potty is a fun portable seat.
Startin' the day with a nice bfast (is Ali drinking coffee??) -
Nothing is better than 2 binkies and a can from the recycling bin -
Visit to the beach with friends -
Paige came to work with me, she was so excited she got all packed up the night before -
"helping" mommy work -
We had a nice visit with the McCune's, who were in town for a wedding, one nice Sunday afternoon-
Cool Dudes!
Pool time!
Screen time -
More beach time with even more friends -
Sleeping in the sand??
The old Dartmouth Friends at Round Hill Beach -
The Zoo -
Trips to the mall with Angie...
and a sweet treat -
We went to Kimball Farm one day for some fun bumper boats, lunch, games and of course ice cream
Lunch with friends -
More treats!
Just looking cute!
Frog catching at the lake with new neighborhood friends -
And at the end of the day, we rest!
WHEW! We did a lot this summer but are ready to get back into the swing of our school routines.