Friday, February 8, 2013

Snow Day - No Problem!

Don't mind if we do....have a little fun on our day off school and work! No one was disappointed when school and even mom's work was closed today. We bundled up and headed over to a friend's house for some skating fun on their pond. 
It snowed all day but didn't amount to more than 4 or so inches.  We headed home around 4pm (around the time the governer announced a driving ban) and settled in for the blizzard.   Around 6pm the snow (and wind) really started picking up.

Luke, showing off his moves -

Paige looked the part and gave it her all...but I can't say she actually "skated" per se.  Not too bad for her second time on the ice.  She loved it out there.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Fluffy Hat

One of Paige's little friends at school has a fur hat.  Paige has been obsessed with it since she first saw it.  She attacks it and the unsuspecting poor little boy every time she sees him.  She even started calling the little boy "fluffy hat" in place of his real name and announced that she would marry him because - you guessed it, the fluffy hat. 

So, you can imagine Paige's delight when this little boy's mom showed up for a playdate with a present for Paige.  Her very own fluffy hat. 

She hasn't taken the thing off since she got it.

She pokes on the IPAD with it -

She sleeps with it every night -

She even eats with it -

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Super Bowl -

We went to our friends again this year to watch the Super Bowl.  The kids are always very excited to have a "nighttime playdate"

Don't let the picture fool you.  The kids sat for 38 seconds of the first half.  Then we smartened up, went home and put them to bed so we could watch the second half.