Saturday, October 3, 2015


Friday, October 2, 2015


The kids LOVE the song "Whip It, Nae Nae", especially Ali.  She points up at the TV roughly 17 times throughout the day and yells "NAE, NAE"


If you ask Ali, "how old are you?" she promptly says, "one!".  This always impresses people until you go on to ask her the next question, "what is your favorite food". "One!"  "What is your name?".  "One".
You get the idea.  We've finally got her saying Ali when asked her name but for all other questions she still sticks with "one!'
the kids love this!

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Reason number 63 having a child in the French Immersion program can be confusing?!?  Try filling out the Scholastic book order all in French (and in Euros!)  HAHA!!!

Wednesday, September 30, 2015


Ali's social calendar is really picking up.  She started a 2 hour playgroup on Thursdays with Angie.  They do free play, crafts, snack, outdoor playtime, circle time and the best part - clean up.
I also signed up for a mommy and me music class with Ali on Wednesdays through the town.
 This cuts into her nap time so she is very tired afterward -
 Craft time!

Sunday, September 27, 2015


Geeze!  These kids apparently need to be unplugged.  I'm going through the latest pics and .....
looks like Ali is learning from the best.