Wednesday, September 3, 2008

First Day Back at School

I’m not really in school at 19 months but that’s what we call my daycare around here. Sounds more professional. My school has been closed for over 2 weeks while the teachers got the classrooms ready for us to come back. Me and all my friends are moving to the big boy room, young toddler, next door. My new room has a kitchen play set and a real goldfish!!! How cool is that!?! A couple of my friends aren’t in my classroom anymore and one of my very best friends is only there on Friday but I have a few new friends! AND I was very excited to see my friend Katie is in my classroom this year too! We are friends from the mommies group and hang out “outside of school”. I’ll probably show her the ropes ‘round the place. I was so happy to be back, I didn’t even notice when Mommy said goodbye. I love school!!!

Happy Labor Day!!

I went to the Cape for the long weekend to stay with Mimi. Nana came with us and I got to see my cousins, Auntie Kelly, Uncle Scott, Chrissie and Uncle John. It was big fun! We went to the beach on Sunday and much to my surprise my good friend Will showed up! We had lots of fun playing in the sand. He has a Mimi too…different one than mine, she came to the beach with Will and his mommy and daddy!! Sunday night everyone had lobsters while Chase and I ate other stuff…we aren’t big enough for lobsters yet! But they sure look like fun to eat, maybe in a few years I’ll be a big boy and have my very own lobster to eat!! I got tired from all the action so Chase read books to me before bed. He is very good to me. Monday we went to the pool. More fun in the sun!!! I was trying to soak it up because mommy says the sun goes away after Labor Day. I was sad to hear that because I like the sun!! Thanks Mimi for a big fun weekend at the cape!!