Friday, June 20, 2014


As Luke would say, "FINALLY!!"  The kids are really looking forward to the summer in their new neighbhood.  We kick off the summer with a trip to Ohio.  We have some camps planned in July.  Hopefully will make it to the cape and NH a few times and other than that just looking forward to a nice relaxing summer!
Luke loved taking the bus.  So many kids and the stop is only K-2.

Last day of school -

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Luke had a friend over the other day.  Paige quickly sprung into "little sister" mode.  She first put on a bikini and sunned herself (inside) on a beach towel.  Once she realized she wasn't getting noticed, she went back upstairs and changed into her Daisy Duke outfit.  

She is a real piece of work.  Poor Luke, wait until high school when he brings his friends around.  Paige will be all over that....

Monday, June 16, 2014

Tooth Fairy -

FINALLY...Luke lost his first tooth. We have been waiting for that sucker for a while now.  It was about 10 minutes of drama before Luke pulled it out himself. 

 He then packaged it up in Paige's Tooth Fairy pillow and wrote the Tooth Fairy a note.  He was a little freaked out about having the Tooth Fairy in the house and in his room so he decided to leave the note and his tooth on the stairs.  He also tried to convince us that the Tooth Fairy was not real, that it was really the parents.  Is this the last year for Santa?? I hope not!
We aren't too surprised Luke hung onto his teeth for so long.  He didn't have a tooth in his head at his first birthday.  Our little toothless birthday boy!

Sunday, June 15, 2014


Paige's last class of ballet was this past weekend.  Luke came with me because the families got to "peek" inside the classroom at what they have been learning all year.  

Paige loves ballet but announced that she is moving on.  Next fall she will play soccer again and try gymnastics.  

Happy Father's Day Daddy!!

Luke made a breakfast for everyone for Father's Day -
 Paige also wanted to do something for Daddy.  She planned breakfast in bed. Had to make is coffee -

A slice of banana bread, cheese stick, banana and some raisins (on a footstool).  What could be better?
 Lots of cards and pictures for Daddy  -