Friday, August 27, 2010

"I caught a BEE!!!!"

Luke caught a Bee today when we were outside playing. He found his insect house in the shed and was set on finding something to put in it. I’m not quite sure how but he managed to catch a bee. This made him VERY happy. He was jumping up and down, showing Paige and insisted on taking a picture so we could send it to daddy. He brought the bee inside and it sat on the table next to us as we had our lunch. Then it was over by Blue’s bowl (maybe so they could commiserate about being captured animals). This bee was going downhill quick! I think it was close to dying from panic. It was just laying there; Luke said it was ‘sleeping’. I told Luke that he needed to take him outside because he missed his mommy and daddy. After some negotiations (he argued that his friends surely would want to see the bee up close and personal), he agreed and went outside to let him go. A couple minutes later, he comes back inside with a different bee. He said, “Mommy, this bee doesn’t have a mommy and daddy so we can keep him!”

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Smarty Pants -

Paige is such a smarty! She talked up a storm. We are always amazed with everything she can say. This morning, I was putting her in her highchair for breakfast. She started saying “John Truck” It was pretty clear that was what she was saying but I wasn’t sure why…..until I looked outside and our neighbor John was getting into his big black truck. Where does she learn these things??? Who the heck taught her our neighbor's name???

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Angie taught Paige this...

"in the bath??"

For months and months and months, Luke has a ritual that when I say it is time for a bath he will grab some random toys and say "Mommy, can I bring this in the bath?" 9 times out of 10 the answer is NO but once in a while he has something that can go in the water. 'Me Too' has caught on to this little game and this week starting with her own "in the bath" It is too cute.

She is talking so much these days. That was earlier this week, this morning we woke up to this in the monitor...