Thursday, September 13, 2012

Paige's first day back at preschool

FINALLY...after waiting almost 3 weeks after Luke went back, it was showtime for Paige.  She was VERY excited to go back to school.  3 mornings a week this year. She is still disappointed she isn't able to use her lunchbox, she'll have to wait another year for that.
Picking out the "perfect" outfit for school is becoming a problem already.  I wish they mandated uniforms for all kids at all schools.  Paige spends obscene amounts of time trying on outfit after outfit, most either do not match or are seasonally inappropriate (wool skirt and long sleeves...sorry Paige try again).
On day one, we settled (because much of this is a negotiation) on this blue number.  So excited -
 She wanted to get her pretty Hello Kitty backpack too -
 Ready to go in -

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Kindergarten - Update

We are in our third week of Kindergarten. Luke is loving it.  He is always very excited to go to school and says how much he loves it when he comes home.  He hasn't been nearly as tired as I thought he would be for being out of the house from 7:45am-4pm each day.  He did come home today and when I asked him how school was, this is what I got:

"It is really really good. I had a lot of fun.  BUT there is a lot of learning.  Why does there have to be so much learning?  There is playing and learning but there is a lot of learning and just a little playtime.  Why is there only a little playtime?"

I figured it wasn't a good time to mention that the playtime only decreases as the years go on!

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Call me maybe....

Storyland 2012

Another successful Storyland trip.  We've pretty much got the whole routine down pat down to which bedrooms each family takes at the house.  Kids always look forward to a great weekend.  They love the park but I think they look forward even more to the sleepover party with 10 of their friends..what could be more fun!
As soon as we entered the park, Paige became obsessed with the purple dragon, must have hugged it 18 times.

Paige was also lovin' Katie, maybe because she is the oldest of the girls.  Paige LOVED hangin' out with her.

 We went to see Cinderella, she was leaving for her tea break so we sat in her thrown instead -
Time for a lunch break.
 After seeing some of her friends get their faces painted, Paige was insistent that we go get that done right after lunch.  Mom was not in favor of the 45 min wait or the paint which got everywhere (think water rides) but you can see who won out.
 Back to see Cinderella in the afternoon once she was back from her tea.
 Fishy ride.
 Kids weren't the only ones enjoying the rides, surprise, surprise.
 Back at the ranch...more like castle.  This place is called Nirvana Manor.  It is really beautiful and look at that view!
 Side view of the house.
 Best Buds -

 The ten little people.