Saturday, March 29, 2014

Luke - Art Show/New Career

Luke had an art show/fundraiser at school this past week.  Since Paige and daddy were at Paige's skating lesson, Luke, Ali and I went to check out his works of art.

So many pieces of artwork, made the halls so colorful.  Luke knew exactly which was his -

 Now that most of the snow is gone and the weather is FINALLY warming up a bit we have been enjoying some outside time.  The kids love having a real driveway and sidewalks to ride their scooters and bikes.  Paige and I made a road with chalk one day.  We put in a stop sign in the road.  When Luke came home from school he was excited to join in but wasn't diggin' the fact that he has to stop at a stop sign so he fixed that by making a shortcut with no stop sign.  Very clever Luke!

BREAKING NEWS!  After years of wanting to be a fire ranger when he grows up, Luke has switched career paths.  He informed us this week that he is going to become an author because in his words "I like to make books better than I like animals" Sounds like solid reasoning to me! He does love to make books.  He cranks out 4 or 5 a week mostly about animals but he does all the drawings and captions himself. I hate to throw them away but we could never keep them all, too many!

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Ali - 4 Months

Paige and I took Ali to her 4 month apt today.  And it was a good thing she had lots of support because she got 4 shots and an oral vaccine.  YIKES! 

Our big lady is leveling out. Her stats are below:
Weight 14.12lbs - 64%
Height 25 - 75%
Head 16 1/8 - 63%

Duel band-aids :(

Ali's newest favorite thing to do is blow raspberries.  She loves this, I will post a video as it is quite funny.  No rolling yet but you can tell she wants to, just a bit hard getting that big belly in motion.  Still a good little pumpkin.  She is very agreeable and goes with the flow of what is going on in our crazy house.  She is a perfect third child!

It is pretty embarrassing when you go to a play date and one of the moms has an 8 month old that is the same size as Ali.  I spend half my free time running around to different stores exchanging her clothes for bigger sizes...but we love our big girl!!!

Here are the highlights from the month -