Friday, January 23, 2009

My First Friend!!!

We had a play date with our friend Caroline and her daughter Alana (Luke’s age) and new little brother Heath who is 4 weeks older than Paige. Paige got to meet her first friend!! Luke LOVED seeing Alana again and showing her all his new toys and his new room.

We were able to capture Paige’s first smile on camera. She has been attempting to smile a bit usually for daddy at night. This smile was probably a “gas smile” as I call them but cute nonetheless!!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Yesterday, I turned two! Mommy, Paige and I spent the day inside playing. Daddy came home from work early to celebrate with me. What does it mean to be a two year old??

You have to eat a lot so you can grow up big and strong...especially crackers, you have to eat lots and lots of crackers!!

You have to start exploring your creative side. I've been spending lots of time coloring and playing with my Play-Doh. Just to be sure I'm keeping my masculine side, I color with my hard hat on!!

You have to be a good big brother and teach your little sister everything you know, including how to use the has been so long but I think I remember how it works :)

Monday, January 19, 2009


I've made it 4 weeks in this crazy world!

I look up to my brother who has been here A LOT longer than me. He seems to have it all figured out. Now, if I could only get him to stop poking at my face all the time :)

What Do You Do On a Snowy Weekend Inside?

We had an "at home" weekend. It was cold and snowy which sounded like a good excuses to stay in all weekend! We managed to pass the time doing all the usual activities...playing Wheel-barrel and "the diaper on the head" game!!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Paige's First Bottle!

This is probably more exciting for mommy than anyone...this means a little freedom for mommy! Of course Paige did wonderful. She is a good girl!