Saturday, April 2, 2016


As Ali gets older and her language expands, she is able to express her needs and wants more clearly.  It is pretty funny actually.  She doesn’t like it when anyone gets upset with her.  If she dumps out a board game or makes a mess of something, I say “No Ali, don’t make a mess with that.” Sometimes she gets teary and says, “No Mad, OK?” and insists you tell her that you aren’t mad with her before we can all move on.

Ali is also very polite.  She uses her please and thank yous and often says "sorry" if she spills something or gets herself dirty she says, "sorry mommy, sorry!!"

She also has specific ideas on what she wants to wear.  Now that she is potty training, she has 6 pairs of undies, three she likes and three she doesn’t like.  If you try to put on one of the undies she doesn’t like, she said, “no these undies, OK?” She also wants to wear certain clothes.  If I pick a shirt she doesn’t want she disappears and comes back with a different shirt and says, “No wear that shirt for Ali this one Ali shirt, OK?”

OK ends every demand and the arms are usually wildly flailing around.  Very expressive with her hands.  She also pushes your legs or pulls your hand to show what she wants to do/have.  She manages to get her point across. 

She often takes my hand, pulls me over to the couch and says “Mommy, sit, OK?” hands me the remote and says “NAE NAE” or something that I’ve learned is “Wildest Dreams” because she wants me to put on one of these two favorite videos of hers.  After you put them on, she pulls on your arm and says, “Dance Mommy!”

But maybe the most fun is when I’m trying to sleep in (past 7AM) on a weekend and she comes barreling into the room (Luke usually gets her up as they are both part of the early morning crew).  She picks up my sippers that are next to the bed and shoves them in my face along with my glasses and says “Mommy, up.  Ali eat!”

And in those times where things don’t go her way, or we say no and she is frustrated, she sometimes hits herself in the head in frustration.  Not hard but just that raw emotion.  We usually laugh at this which probably doesn’t make the situation better.

Thursday, March 31, 2016

Paige made dinner all by herself!

the movable bed?

All boxes and packaging material is fair game for projects in this house -

Oatmeal anyone?

A couple of snuggling youtubers -

Minnie me and minnier me!

What do you do when you have a factitious eye problem?  Make a patch of course...

60 degrees and shorts to school in March, what could be better!

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Happy Easter!!

He came again this year.  BUT, since we largely took sugar out of the kids diets, we had to write him a note to go light on the sweet stuff and heavier on the toys.  I think the EB probably spent more money this year (just guessing!). It is hard to fill those baskets with non-food items.

We got all cleaned up and headed to the cape to Mimi's club for brunch.