Thursday, December 14, 2017

Ali's Christmas Pageant at school -

Ali's school does a super cute Christmas pageant every year.  Being in the younger class, the kids in her class were all angels for the performance.  After they sing Christmas songs and have a little party.

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Our Little Advocate -

Paige and Luke have pajama day at school periodically.  Ali, noticing this, started asking why she doesn't get to have pajama day at school. I told her that I didn't know and she would have to talk to her teachers.  She marched right into that school the next day and asked her teachers why they don't have pajama day.  The teacher told her she would have to talk to the director of the preschool.  The director stands in the hall every morning as the kids come into school welcoming them for the day.  Of course, the next day Ali marched right up to her and asked her why they didn't have pajama day and that she really wanted to have pajama day.  She looked at Ali and said, "you know, Ali, I don't know why we don't do that.  That would be a great idea." So for the next month, every morning as Ali walked into school she stopped and asked the director when pajama day was going to be.  After having to answer Ali every single day, as we walked into school one day we saw this sign.  "Pajama day Dec 13th".  
Ali did it!  Her 3 year old self, single-handedly brought pajama day to her preschool.  

She was so excited on the day it was finally ready to wear her pajamas and the director made sure to tell Ali what a great idea she had.