Thursday, July 2, 2009

I Draw’ed!!!

Yesterday, Luke came over to me with a pen in his hand (I knew that couldn’t be good!) and said, “I draw’ed on baby Paige’s head”. Lovely…..

Don’t worry Paige, I’m cataloging all this so you can get back at him one day :)

The pic is hard to see, but I assure you it was tough to get off in the bath...

Monday, June 29, 2009

I’m ½ a year old!!!

Can you believe it?? Paige is already 6 months old. She is growing so fast. Here are her latest stats from her 6 months Dr. apt:
Height: 28 inches (90%)
Weight: 18.6lbs (90%)

I know you aren’t supposed to compare but…it’s fun and what do they expect, these are the only two kids I have. I compare them. So let’s review Luke’s 6 months stats:
Height: 29 inches
Weight: 19.4lbs

Baby Luke (it's fun to look back...I almost don't remember him this small!!!)

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Thomas the Train!!!

This past weekend mom and dad took me to see Thomas the Train at Edaville RR. It was big fun. My friends Jackson, Katie and Christopher came too. Will had a birthday party. We can’t ever seem to get us all at an event these days. There were rides. I’m getting pretty good at going on rides this summer (see my hands up pic!) We got to ride on Thomas too! BUT the most fun I think was fishing with daddy. We (mostly me!) caught a BIG BIG fishie. Daddy said he must have been the biggest fishie in the WHOLE pond. That was lots of fun. Daddy said he would buy me my own fishing pole and we could do boys only fishing trips. I think that would be lots of fun. Leave mommy and baby Paige at home to do girl stuff.

I also had fun dancin' to the music in the tent. Good thing I've been taking music class and knew what to do up on stage with those instruments. he he...