Saturday, March 1, 2008


Teeth: My top 4 teeth are in. It was rough going for a while but I managed through it. I had a week or two rest before my bottom started popping through. What’s the saying, “when it rains, it pours!”. Waiting so long to get my teeth, I’m now playing catch up.

Hair: I finally broke down and got my hair cut!! It was not so bad. I was a very good boy. My hair is blonder and curlier now. I’m super cute!!!

Walking: I’m not yet and have no interest. Crawling works just fine for me and I get around very quickly.

Talking: I’m doing OK. I like all the B words – Ball, Baby, Book, Boat, Balloon, Block, Bottle. I can say the other biggies “Mama, Dada, Uh Oh”. I also try to say “Thank You” but unless your Mom or Dad wouldn’t have a clue what I’m saying. Dad is teaching me the sounds animals make. So far I have Cow, Dog and Sheep but they all kind of come out sounding the same.

Games: I’ve graduated from “Pat-a-cake” to “How big is Luke?” and I throw my hands up in the air. It’s a crowd pleaser so I continue to do it. I also LOVE pointing at anything and everything. I love to point at the balloon and my baby picture on cue with Mommy. I can point at Marley when Mom and Dad say his name. I’m learning lots of words, I now need to figure out how to sound them out!!

Not so Fun Games: Lately, I’ve been throwing my blanket out of my crib. I usually do this at night before I fall asleep or in the early morning when I’m first waking up. Once I do this and realize there is no getting it back (without some adult help) I cry. Not a little cry, this is a top of my lungs “someone better get up here NOW!” cry” It usually works and I get my blankie back until I decide to do it again. Mom and Dad don’t seem too happy to take part in this game but I like it so I think I’ll keep doing it for a while.

Things I do NOT like: Cabinet safety latches. Daddy put them on the kitchen cabinets last weekend. They are a cruel joke!! I cry every time I try to get into the cabinets now because I can’t seem to figure them out. It’s very frustrating. I’ve enlisted Marley to help me figure this out but he just stands behind me and occasionally licks my head.

Friday, February 29, 2008


Eye Infection :(

I have conjunctivitis – stay away (for 24 hours at least). Mom is home with me. Getting my eye drops is the real pits…Mom and Dad pin me down. It is borderline child abuse in my "eyes"…other than that I’m happy to be home with Mommy today!!!