Saturday, February 27, 2010

***Operation Blankie Phase Out***

We have been blankie free for 48 hours. I repeat, blankie free for 48 hours!! Things came to a head this week when everything he did revolved around blankie. Blankie morning, noon and night. I came home from work on Thursday and Angie, our babysitter, said "no more blankie, I got rid of it today!" I don't know if I was ready for it but decided to try it out as I have also noticed he has become increasing dependent on it lately. I wanted to get potty training out of the way first. We are, crossed fingers, pretty much "there" with the potty so it seems like a logical time to tackle "Operation Blankie Phase Out".

I was shocked when he went to bed without too much of a fuss on Thurs night. Friday morning was up at 5am, he was whining for blankie. Since then things have been pretty good. Asks for it but we have been telling him "Blankie is on vacation". This seemed like a good way to explain considering his best friend, Jacob was just on vacation as was Angie for a week, so he gets the concept of being away on vacation. It was kind of cute, and sad, on Thurs night. It was raining outside and he was so worried that his blankie was getting all wet in the rain. He must have asked me 67 times "Mommy, is blankie getting all wet in the rain?".
I'm VERY proud of how good he has done. For something he has had since birth, he is doing remarkably far!!

On an unrelated note, this is about the best I can get of a picture of Luke these days. He has SO much energy and is constantly on the move. My camera doesn’t capture moving targets so well ;)

Friday, February 26, 2010

Pinky Lee...Ready to pick brother up at school!!

Thursday, February 25, 2010


I've been told that I have killer lips. Angelina Jolie has got nothing on me....


Daddy and I play a game at night. It is called HI-YO because that is what daddy yells when he is throwing me in the air. Basically the game goes like this - daddy throws me in the air over and over again. Sometimes I do flips too. Mommy gets all worked up because I get all jazzed up right before bed but I LOVE it.

Lunch with Floppy..

I'm very serious about having lunch for floppy. I put out a plate and food for him. No one can touch it because he will be "eating" and he has to sit next to me on the bar stools...

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Welcome to the Gungle...

Luke has taken to throwing all the pillows...any pillow he can get his hands on...on the floor and calling it his gungle (jungle for the rest of the world). Then he throws all kinds of stuffed animals in. He talks his way through each step of the process. Loves it. This is another fav activity these days. Mom isn't so thrilled and usually breaks things up and the pillows go back on the couch.