Friday, November 23, 2012


Kids watched Charlie Brown's Thanksgiving this morning as we cleaned and cooked.  They were SO excited for their cousins to come.  Waiting until noon seemed like an eternity.  We had a great day...good food and great family!

We cooked a trial turkey last week with this new glaze I'm trying out on the bird.  Jay was carving the turkey as Paige walked into the kitchen. With a look of horror on her face she said “NO DADDY!! Don’t hurt the turkey! You will hurt him with your knife. Let me kiss him”

Because ya know, cutting his head off, draining him, removing his insides, plucking his feathers, and cooking him until golden brown didn’t hurt him. It was the carving that did him in.

Kid table -
 Big kid table-
 Tgiving and Football -
 Trying to get a couple good shots of the 4 -

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Paige's Tgiving Performance

Paige had her Thanksgiving feast at school this morning.  They sang some songs per the usual and then we all headed to the basement for a good old Thanksgiving meal.  They decorate the table so cute with crafts the kids made at school.  After they ate, the kids moved over to the section with all the cute little baby animals.  Paige was thrilled with the bunny she was holding.  She kept holding and holding and holding that little guy.  The kitten was a bit to playful for her and she got nervous when it batted at her nose :) 

Monday, November 19, 2012

Fashion genius or crazy lady??

Paige's fashion sense has always been a bit out there.  Seems to be getting more and more out there.  Lately she has taken to wearing her bathing suit around the house.  Usually she puts on tights or leggings either over or under the swimsuit.  She accessorizes, as you can see, with anything she can find.  She is also partial to one winter hat she has been wearing around the house and one night we found her wearing it to bed. 

Oh and did I mention that all the below pictures were taken in a single day!  Yes....I do not lie.