Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Mem Day -

We headed to the cape for Mem Day.  We first visited with our Dartmouth friends in Dennis, got to see Grampy for dinner and then headed over to Falmouth to spend some time with Mimi and the Parents.

It was nice to get away, it was a long winter and we haven't been out much, this was apparent by how overly excited the kids were about our weekend getaway.  They were SOOOO excited!!!

 Ali getting to know the littlest Milligan -
 Playing on the beach -
 and fishing on the beach -
 Not too shabby - the guys caught dinner -
 But the kids ate hot dogs instead -
 Even Marley made a new friend.  A much younger version of himself.  Back in the day Marley would have loved running around with this guy, now he lasted 24 minutes before he was all sacked out!
 So he found a snuggle buddy instead -
 The guys took the older kids to a lake on day two.  They had no problem getting into bathing suits and getting into the water -
Mem Day part 2: At Mimi's house.  Enjoying some R&R -
 And some more R&R -
 The ladies -

Sunday, May 25, 2014

1/2 a year old!!

Here are my 6th month stats:
Weight: 16.11Lbs (62%)
Height: 26.5 (69%)
Head: 17 (61%)

She's pretty consistent and I will say the smallest of the Peabody babies. Ali started solids.  She isn't diggin' on them much.  She likes the cereal but doesn't care for much else so far (green beans, sweet potato and carrots).  She can roll front to back and on occasion back to front but doesn't do it often.  She can transfer toys from hand to hand.  Babbles away and tries to mimic sounds.  LOVES to blow raspberries.  Still does not like to get dressed.  Can't be bothered with the process and still doesn't like having a dirty diaper.  Gets VERY upset if she isn't changed promptly (this promotes a problem when in the car).

Lots of QT with big sister -
 Everyone loves hanging out with little -
 I'm awesome to chillax with -

 More Chillaxing at a friends house -
 Again chillin' in the garage while daddy works in the yard -

 I've been sucking my thumb.  I think this is good fun but everyone else doesn't seem to think it is so great.  Not sure why....my big brother does it too!
 My toys!  All mine...
 Say what?
 Trying to get the hang of this eating thing -
My play mat is my favorite activity -
 Sitting in my bouncy chair is a close second -

 Starting to love the swing too!