Saturday, September 25, 2010

Bedtime with Daddy...

Daddy has always been good at the bedtime stories. The kids LOVE daddy's stories. He creates characters that Luke asks me to tell stories about when daddy is not home. I can't keep up with all the flying superhero's etc..

They also love when daddy comes home from work and we all go upstairs to "help daddy change" which turns into pillow fights and playing!!

Mommy and Me...

Luke has gotten to the stage, as most little boy's probably do, where he walks around telling people that he wants to "marry mommy when he grows up!" This is so cute and I hate to correct him because I know that before long, I'll be out and the girls in his class will be in. I tired to explain to him that he will find a girl in school or a friend that he will want to marry. He assures me this will not be the case. "I want to marry you, mommy!" As a backup, he did mention that he is WILLING to marry Paige-y if things don't work out between he and I.

At least we are talking about girls, an improvement over the previous months when the only person he wanted to marry was Jacob, his best friend from down the street!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Cousin's Weekend Falll 2010

This past weekend, we had Chase and Madison for the weekend. Luke and Paige were VERY excited about this. Luke was very particular as to which cereals they wanted when we went to the grocery store (all happened to be his favs...hhhmmmm) which proved to be a bad idea when he was in my face at 615AM asking for a bowl of Lucky Charms...I digress!

We had a great weekend full of activities that included: having a pizza party, the "boys" going to Tball for Luke and the "girls" went to music class for Paige. Going to the zoo, riding the train and the carosoul. Playing at the playground and outside on the swingset. Listening to Uncle Jay's stories and watching a movie. The list goes on...

Playing dragon's with Uncle Jay/Daddy -

Swing set got good use -

Too early for a good photo I'm afraid -

Sisterhood of the flower pants -

Young blog fans -

Fun at the zoo -

Trying to get a good pic of the 4 of them -