Friday, May 27, 2011

Mega Playdate -

We went to a playdate at a friends on Friday afternoon to kick off the Mem Day celebrations. Not that it was noteworthy but the fact that it ballooned to a 16 kid affair by dinner time. And the poor mom hosting actually fed all these little mouths.
Kids had a blast!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Small Talk -

1) If you keep up with the blog, you know that the Easter Bunny took Paige’s binky…what a $%^# that guy! Anyway, Paige knows that we can’t get them back; I mean how do you track down the Easter Bunny during the off season?? So she doesn’t ask for it and stopped talking about it altogether after a few days. This week, we were getting ready to go up to bed. I took the rest of the animal crackers that were in her bowl and threw them away. She gets off the couch and says, “Where are my animal crackers?” I said, “They are gone, we need to go up to bed.” She looks at me and says, “Did the Easter Bunny take them?” Oh boy…

2) The kids have been lovin’ the swing set again this year. Always on it! Paige has graduated from the baby swing to the big girl swing which she is VERY proud of. So we put up the glider (or as some of the kids call it, “see saw”) in place of the baby swing. The kids have been lovin’ it too…the novelty, I think. Anyway, Paige will go running outside and yell, “HEE HAW, HEE HAW!”

3)It has become kind of a ritual to stop at dunkin donuts after soccer if Luke did well (well being defined as he listened to his coach, followed along and didn’t cry –which he has been doing great this season by the way). So Jay takes him through the drive through on Saturday morning after practice to get his celebratory donut. Also to tee up this story, Jay and I rarely call each other by our first names. We are both “HON”. Don’t know where or how but that’s the deal. Anyway, so back to the drive through. I was told the conversation went something like this:
Jay: “I’ll have a donut with chocolate sprinkles”
Donut Lady: “Anything else?”
Jay: “How about a couple munchkins too”
Donut Lady: “Anything else?”
Jay: “I’ll take a med reg coffee”
Donut Lady: “Anything else?”
Jay: “That will be it”
Donut Lady: “OK hon, it will be $2.34, pull around”
Luke: “Daddy, how did that lady know your name?”

Monday, May 23, 2011

Weekend -

This weekend was the first weekend we didn't have anything going on (aside from dinner for the adults on Sat night). We were so excited to get some work done around the yard. The weather was so nice. The kids were literally outside all day on Saturday. I think they were so excited that the weather was finally nice. We played on the swing set, ran races, planted the flower boxes (Paige was the big helper but very rough with those poor little plants), played soccer (Marley too), played football, dug for worms, made a house for our worms and named each worm. We were very busy!

Lovin' the family all being outside -

Couldn't even go in for lunch -
Trying on Luke's shades -
Loves to climb on the outside of the deck -
Handsome Harry -
Some inside play, the wacky princess -
The Jersey Shore Hair?? -

Double Trouble -

End of the night, wind down with a book -