Saturday, March 23, 2013

Saturday Morning Chatter

Luke:  I don't want to grow up.
Mommy: Why buddy?
Luke: Because being a firefighter is going to be hard.
Mommy:  You will go to special school to teach you everything you need to know to be a firefighter.
Luke: In high school?
Mommy: No, after high school.
Luke: Oh, they will show me how to do the fire hose?
Mommy: Yes!
Luke: High school is probably going to be easier than kindergarten.
Mommy: You will like high school, mommy did.
Luke: How did you learn to be a mommy?
Paige: Yeah, how did you learn how to make sandwiches?
Luke: Did you learn in school?
Mommy: No they don't much teach you those things in high school.  It is called on the job training. But I did go to school to learn how to do my other job and daddy learned how to do his job in school.
Luke: Oh yeah, you learned how to write the instructions, right mommy?

Luke: Mommy, what do you do when you go to work?
Mommy: I work at a place that makes radios.
Luke: Oh cool!  You make the radios!
Mommy: Well not exactly, other people make the radios.  I do other things.
Luke: (Disappointed that his mommy is not cool enough to actually make the radios) what things?
Mommy: I work in the office on the computer.
Luke: What do you do on the computer?
Mommy: (quick, how do you explain logistics to a 6 year old) I do the paperwork.
Luke: Oh, yeah, like the papers that comes in the box when you buy it.  It tells you how to put it together.
Mommy: Something like that (I saw an out and I took it!)

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Cute picture of the kids...I mean the two kids and the daddy. 

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

She is dead serious with this look.  I had to hide the phone because she kept asking me to take pictures of her.  Someone doesn't have self esteem issues.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Happy St Patty's Day -

To celebrate, Luke decided to find all the green stuff he could gather around the house and  open a "green" store.  He said, "What do you want?  It is all green!"