Saturday, June 16, 2012

ANOTHER year end celebration!!

Paige had her end of the year celebration on Friday.  This one I WAS able to attend...woo hoo!  Her preschool does some songs, a little play and a picture slide show.  We know the drill as this is our third one.  This year the play was based on the book Skippyjon Jones which the kids have actually had for a couple years and love.

The Performance -

The Graduate -

 Gift from her teachers -

Friday, June 15, 2012

Impromptu Photo Shoot

Today, the kids and I headed to the playground.  But before doing so, we stopped and threw rocks in the water across the bridge.  It is a beautiful place...nice for a couple pics of the kids playing.

Always posing...

Not sure what the hands on the face thing is, Paige...

Yes, that is a beer can in his hand.  No, he wasn't drinking but this might very well be the scene in 12 years as it looks like it is the place to go to underage drink....

Tryin' to get a good one, not really succeeding...


Just some pictures of summer swimming fun.  The kids absolutely LOVE to swim.  I have to peel them out of the pool (and that is after 5 hours...literally).  Since our neighbors got a pool, Luke says "Mommy, we could have a pool too.  Our yard IS big enough"     WRONG!

Thursday, June 14, 2012

LP Graduation...

Our little man graduated this week.  Mommy wasn't able to go (damndable work schedule) but daddy was and took some pictures and a video!  Luke was VERY excited for the graduation party.  He LOVES school.  Everything about it.  He is super excited about kindergarten next year.  I still can't believe he is going to be a kindergartner!!

Some pictures of the day.  Extra special because his teacher Mrs. O'Connor (who went on medical leave last month) was back to say goodbye to the kids.