Paige has always said the silliest things. We are so used to it now a days no one really bats an eye. One of the funny things she does is mispronounces words. She does this all the time. Here are a few that I can remember:
Paige's word real word
school carrot card school care card
balance bean balance beam
lip sing lip sync
Justin Beaver Justin Bieber
Muggs Uggs
Egola Ebola
fling shot sling shot
Papa Gina's Papa Gino's
Fireplace health Fireplace hearth
When I was putting Paige to bed one night she said she was going to pray before bed. I asked her what she prays about. She said, "I just pray that no one dies tomorrow. You know like you, me, Luke, Daddy, Ali, Marley. Someone COULD die tomorrow. You never know!" (this said in a very cheery and proud voice like she is saving lives with her prayers)