Saturday, December 19, 2009

Just being a couple of big sillies on a snowy holiday weekend :)

First big snowfall for the year...

16 inches. Who said we don't get as much snow here on the Southcoast?? At least it was a Sunday so we had no where to go. Luke's best friend, Jacob's birthday party had to be rescheduled but we did have fun running around outside.

Pretty -

Took everyone some time to get use to the snow again -

BUT not long after, Luke was playing in the snow with Daddy -

Paige made the smart decision to sit this one out -

OUR pony -

Luke looks at Marley the other day, then looks at me and says, "Mommy, Marley is kind of like a pony".

Thursday, December 17, 2009

OK, Lets try this again...

He's hiding on the right side this time..

Luke's Stage Debut -

Today, Luke had a Christmas party at his little preschool. Poor Luke got a little overwhelmed at first...

Sunday, December 13, 2009

To the little people of 53 Chestnut Street –

I was concerned when Mom left the house with the two of you in tow yesterday and returned without you. I wondered where you could have gone!?! I soon forgot my worries when mom said the “W” word. I was so excited and confused….”ME!! Someone wants to go on a walk with just me. No double stroller in tow. No trip to the playground and I tag along. This was a walk for ONLY ME!” I couldn’t contain my excitement. Once we got going on our run/walk, the surprises continued as Mom took me to the new little pet boutique, Fetch, and told me I could pick out anything in the store!! WOWSERS!!! I don’t think I was ever in a store before and to shop, I really didn’t know what to do with myself. The owner was giving me treats and took a picture of me for the pet board. I picked out my very own Christmas stocking AND some treats. I thought I’d died and gone to heaven. the weekend continued to get better as mom and dad paid AMPLE attention to me. Petted me, talked to me, played with me...On Sunday morning, mom played ball with me in the backyard. It was awesome!!

My reason for starting this letter was to say that although you do bring a type of energy to the house, I think it is best that you probably find another home. I like having mom and dad to myself. I get much more attention when I’m the only child at home.

BUT then…things started to get a bit lonely and by Sunday afternoon I was pretty bored without my wing-man and baby. Please come home soon….I miss you guys :)
Love, Marley